« Make tourism more respectful of marine life » is a derived project from NATO’s Sustainable development goals realised in 2015. Nato’s goals have been set by world leaders to achieve them before 2050. They cover 17 areas that are considered as essential to human well being. Our topic is linked to the 14th : « Life below water ».

For a quik recapitulation this topic set the goal to protect sea related areas. The goals start from protecting the seas in itself via « reducing marine pollution », « conserving coastal and marine areas » or « reducing ocean acidification » to developping a sustainaible fishing industry via « increasing scientific researchs and technologies for ocean health », « Supporting small scale fisher » or « Sustainable fishing ».

Those subjects are generally over looked in mainstreams medias even though a newly gain interest have been seen in people’s interests thanks to documentaries like « Seaspiracy ».

Marine life cannot be reduced to what lies under the sea, being part of an ecosystem, the subject lead us to interest ourself to chat’s around and open our research to a more global asprect of ecosystem preservation.

By not explicitly mentionning an end of all marine activities the subject direct us toward a sustainable way of doing those already existing activities.

By targeting tourism industries, the subject also touch the never-ending opposition between personal aspiration and pleasures and world problems.

With those conditions in mind, our researchs will first target possible marine sustainable toursim industries and secondly personal responsibility citizen applications.

For personnal reasons rather than project linked ones, I have elected API’s as module’s compelement program.

This assignement is divided in two parts :

- An extensive research based on the 14th Nato’s development goal where 4 day to day actions will be analysed.

- A focused analyse of one of the previsouly mentionned project.

How the use of Ocean geographical Data can help the decision making process of tourism companies and tourists in the proctection of endangered and overused part of the ocean ?

The projects

Learning Hub

Who’s the project carriers ? Planettera

Who are the beneficiaries ? It’s arguable, but everyone is beneficiaries of this kind of projects. Though going down this road, all the projects will have the same answer to this question. The end user here would be Planettera partners which occure to be entities rather than local communities. It is mentionned « explore new areas of potential income »

Who are the users ? The same Planettera partners

What is the project made for ? Develop local tourism possibilities, show their expertise

How is it made possible ? Creating an online learning platform

Technologies involved ? MOOC, therefor a website.


https://planeterra.org/impact/ - Planettera’s Website

Association report : https://issuu.com/planeterra/docs/impact_report_2020__2_

Poseidon model

Who’s the project carriers ? Bailey, R.M., E. Carrella, R. Axtell, M.G. Burgess, R.B. Cabral, M. Drexler, C. Dorsett

Who are the beneficiaries ? Politics decisioners

Who are the users ? Fishers boats

What is the project made for ? Give data and data analysis to politicans decisioners

How is it made possible ? Via Data Collection

Technologies involved ? Algorythm, Bayesian Optimisation

Sources :

Article : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11625-018-0579-9

Bailey, R.M., Carrella, E., Axtell, R. et al. A computational approach to managing coupled human–environmental systems: the POSEIDON model of ocean fisheries. Sustain Sci 14, 259–275 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0579-9

Ocean Data Platform

Who’s the project carriers ? Ocean Data Foundation itself under the Norwegion Prime Minister Ena Solberg momentum, a cohort of companies paritcipate to

Who are the beneficiaries ? Data Scientist, Data analyst, Policies markers, NGOs, Companies…

Who are the users ? Data Scientist,

What is the project made for ? The porject had been made to make an usable map of oceans.

How is it made possible ? Open data technologies

Technologies involved ? Open data, API, Algorythm, Machine Learning…

Sources :

Ocean Data Foundation web page : https://foundation.oceandata.earth/perspectives/c4ir-ocean-to-lead-action-coalition-on-ocean-data

Ocean Data Fundation

Carriers and actors of the project

As mentionned in the project overview the project is lead by The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Ocean (C4IR). It has been promoted by the Norwgian Prime Miniter Erna Solberg that rallied to this cause several partners : Aker, Aker Biomarine, AkerBP, Aker Solutions, Cognite, esri, Microsoft, the North Alliance, The Nowegian University of Science and Technology, Rev Ocean, Sinted, The Artic University of Norway, UnescoWorld Economic and World Ressources Institute.

Being an Open Data project, it is only fair to add everyuser that participate to the collection and use of the Data as principal actor.

For the same reasons I’d like to mention the Users here. Being an Open Data Project acotrs and users will inevitably collide. The project is meant to be exploited by the same groups that help it to work. Therefor, on a general scale, the companies and official representative are also part of the user process.

To them I’d like to add the jobs who could work on this project like Data Scientist, Data Analyst...

Research question

How the use of Ocean geographical Data can help the decision making process of tourism companies and toursits in the proctection of endangered and overused part of the ocean ?

3. The reason you selected this project

Using myself Open data tools like, for exemple, Linux, I’m sensible to this notion. An open data project which have an impact on social aspects is for me a challenging enough to be worth studied into further depht.

From all the projects I have mentionned it was the one that limited less the opportunities and possible creativity project. It was also the one for which I forseen the best uses for the previous topic of : « Make tourism more respectful of marine life ». With multiple uses, users and end goals.

The projects is also the best argumented and presented project.


Théophile Argutie, 32 years Old, Originally French but moved to Stockholmes for job opportunities. Currently Data Scientist for Spotify, he is in couple with Leonora Andersen, 30 years old advocate specialised in Nature Protection causes. They don’t have any children and don’t plan to have any. They are economically stable and live in a 70m² flat in center Stockholmes. Théophile is very cautious about his carbon footprint, he supervised with enthusiams the plans of his flat and wanted to integrate as much as possible renewed energy without it affecting his life routine. His beliefs also affect his way of traveling : using bikes for close journeys and his hybrid SUV for when he is going abroad. Problems that affect him tends to be more scocietal than personal.

He is growing tired of his work situation, but will not leave it because he know how privileged he is to work in this kind of area. He aspire to later one develop his own Data tools and think about lauching his own company in this field. To compensate his increasing lack of motivation for his company, he is getting involved in companies group activities regarding climate change and sea protection. He is also part of a « Green » association where he use is skills in data analyst to produce proper visualisation and percent of waste in the public space.

Passionate of several topics he is getting himself fully ivolved in them. He doesn’t do it lightly and always have to make extensive researchs on topics, fully grabs it and be able to talk with expert to fully appreciate a topic. For those reasons he has an extensive knowledge on subjects as Data, Open Data, its uses, video games, coffee, tea, politics and authors.

Regarding sustainable development, he nourishes a deep hatred for green washing companies.

Through his job, he discovered the Ocean Data Platform and even though it is lead by Microsoft for which he has a deep hatred, he tries to forsee ways he can participate to this project.

Key features

Explore and extract ocean Data

Browse the data store

Share data

Create data centred project

Technical analysis

General principle

An Open data Solutions where everyone can add and extract their data regarding Oceans on several apsects:Physics, Biogeochemestry, Biology, Geologye, Paleooceanography and Human society. To do so, Data collectors such as you and I have to download their API to

Technical overview - API version

Added value thanks to APIs

The API’s enable everyuser, from everyplatforms to praticipate to the collection, exploitation and analysis of the project. On the already existing model, the improvement would rely on the